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Submission Guidelines

Submissions are open for the Book Awards 2024 for books published in 2023!

The NorthWords NWT Book Awards are awarded annually to Northwest Territories authors who had an outstanding book published in the previous calendar year. There are two submission categories: 

  • Children/Youth Book Award

  • Adult Book Award

The NorthWords NWT Book Awards were established in 2010 and originally sponsored by the Yellowknife Book Cellar. In 2017, the NT Power Corporation sponsored a second category, Children/Youth. 

Prize: $1,000 for each category. 

Entry Fee: Free

Who is eligible?

Eligible books include novels, children’s books, collections of short stories, poetry or essays, creative non-fiction or memoir that have Northern themes and settings and have been published in 2023. The author must have a strong connection to the Northwest Territories by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Was raised and/or schooled in the NWT and maintains strong ties to the NWT
  • Lived in the Northwest Territories for a period of at least five years
  • Currently lives in the NWT and has for a minimum of 1 year prior to the year in which the book was released.

How to submit your work:

To submit a book for consideration, authors or publishers must:

  • Email with the title of the book, name of the author(s), genre(s), publisher, publication date, illustrator (if applicable), submission category, cover art (jpg or png) and synopsis.
  • Mail three hard copies to: 
    NorthWords NWT Book Awards
    PO Box 903, Main st.
    Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N7

Please note that submissions for the 2024 Book Awards will close on August 16th, 2024. Entries arriving later then this date will not be considered. Winners will be announced at a future event in October.