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Become a Member

Join Our Community of Word Lovers

Writers, readers and those who love the various ways words can be strung together to tell a story, express a thought or feeling will enjoy a membership with NorthWords NWT.


  • 10% discount at Yellowknife Books*
  • Preferential pricing on various workshops and events
  • Summer reading list of Northern authors (Emailed)
    One free ticket to our NorthWords Showcase, the kick-off event at the NorthWords NWT Writers Festival (valued at $20)
    A vote at our annual Annual General Meeting

*Please note that the list of members is sent to the book store at the beginning of the month so depending on your membership start date, there might be a delay in being eligible  for the discount. 
* This discount is not cumulative with the book store points system. 


$20 for a one-year membership

Fill-out the membership form 


Are you a published author?
Are you interested in volunteering at future events?
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